Tuition and Fees
(4 and 5 years old) Age by October 1 Registration Fee $200 per year The above fees are due at registration and are non-refundable. Tuition $150 per week Tuition includes Extended School Day (ESD) hours from 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Supply Fee $120 per year ESD closes at 6:00 PM. Any child still in attendance after 6:00 PM will be charged $1.00 per minute. |
Grades 1 - 8
New Students $25 Application Fee $40 Testing Fee $425 Registration Fee Returning Students: $425 Re-Registration Fee before March 1 $475 Re-Registration Fee March 1 - May 1 $525 Re-Registration Fee after May 1 The above fees are due at registration and are non-refundable. Tuition: $3,600 per year $300 per month for 12 months starting June 1 $360 per month for 10 months for new students with first payment due August 1, and for students currently on 10-month payments. School Tuition Financing: SCA does not charge a finance fee or interest for monthly payments. Supply Fee Grades 1 & 2: $120 Grades 3-6: $150 Grades 7 & 8: $160 Extended School Day (ESD): (6:00 AM - 7:45 AM and 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM) $5 per hour ESD is available only for SCA students. Morning ESD is available from 6:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. on school days. Afternoon ESD is available from 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on school days. If students in grades 1 through 8 arrive before 7:45 a.m. or stay after 3:15 p.m., ESD will be charged at a rate of $5.00 per student, per hour or portion thereof. Morning ESD and Afternoon ESD are calculated separately, rounded up to the next whole hour, and added together for the day’s total ESD hours. ESD closes at 6:00 PM. Any child still in attendance after 6:00 PM will be charged $1.00 per minute. |